Direktlänk till inlägg 15 mars 2014

Kasia - under (re)construction

Av Kasia - 15 mars 2014 00:00

I have tried this once already, the blogging. Not a single person had seen it before. I decided I will let it stay here (even though it is in Swedish), because this is how life was, and still is at times for me.


I have just started a 21 day long detox.*

I thought I would share some of the insights of it for those who might need one too. And mostly because I think it's a lot of fun!

...And also because a strong urge to speak up was burning my guts for quite a while now.

For several years I was navigating my boat right into this rocky mountain and feeling deep inside that I might be on a wrong course. That some kind of change or maybe a shift of direction if you will, should occur soon if I'm going to survive. Or at least find a way around that mountain.

I didn't.

In October 2012, 18 months ago I hit it with a tremendous speed. I collapsed on an ordinary Sunday morning and found myself in a deep shit of a stress break down. A burn out as the doctor stated few days later.

I was in need for a deep restoration and I had no idea how to proceed.

That time was like driving on a bumpy road, on flat tires, with a broken gps, basically. Back and forth to the same old holes. It still is so. Though new paths have been found since then. They work, sometimes.

...Long story.

Anyhow. I felt the time have come for me to start cleaning up this mess. Even strictly physiologically. This is how I came across Clean program.

I am reading, learning, I let myself be guided, and I am finding out more and more about myself.

It is exciting.

Like a handcraft that you try to master, like sculpting in wood maybe. First you can only see wood chips all over the place and all you feel is pain in your muscles... it is exhausting and you want to give up every now and then, but one day a human silhouette starts showing itself.

Maybe even a work of art...

*The detox is based on a Clean program by Alejandro Junger, M.D., I am not letting myself out there on my own. I know too little about this stuff, a healthy, well functioning human body.


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Av Kasia - 7 juli 2016 16:09

Widzę, że ciągle jeszcze jest sporo osób, które zaglądają tutaj :) Bardzo mi miło <3   Przypominam jednak, że nowe wpisy pojawiają się od ponad miesiąca pod innym adresem: www.blog.zebrazone....

Av Kasia - 3 juni 2016 17:54

Dzisiejszy wpis z nowej platformy bloga ZebraZone: www.blog.zebrazone.seDla tych, którzy jeszcze nie przyzwyczaili się do nowego adresu :)Bardzo ciężko pracowałam przez ostatnie tygodnie. Za ciężko.Tak ciężko, ...

Av Kasia - 1 juni 2016 12:00

Drodzy Kochani! Czas ruszać dalej. Czas wyjść poza granice strefy komfortu.   ZebraZone trzyma mnie w pionie. W głębi mojego najmiętszego serca wiem, że jest nas więcej, tych, którym utrzymywanie pion...

Av Kasia - 31 maj 2016 22:06

To mój przedostatni tekst na tej stronie.   Czterysta dziewięćdziesiąty czwarty. Ponad dwa lata karmienia tego wyrostka własną krwią, siłą. Wiarą. Że coś z niego wyrośnie. Że p...

Av Kasia - 26 maj 2016 08:55

Za chwilę wychodzę do pracy. W deszcz. To nic. To mi nie przeszkadza. Tylko brak czasu trochę naciska a tu ważny temat do poruszenia!   Czuję się w obowiązku ostrzec Państwa przed niebezpieczeństwem ...


Embracing the NOW, Zebra-style.


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