Alla inlägg den 24 april 2014

Av Kasia - 24 april 2014 20:46

Tlumaczenie postu/Polish version of: DARING even more!

Otwarcie bloga i wystawianie sie na ocene publiczna bylo przerazajace.
Dzis przekroczylam po raz kolejny te granice i zwiekszylam stopien wlasnego przerazenia. ZebraZone znajduje sie od dzis oficjalnie na Facebooku, co laczylo sie z wyslaniem osobistych zaproszen do polubienia mojej strony i mojej pracy do wszystkich Przyjaciol na FB.
Wlacznie z kolegami z pracy, ktorzy wlasciwie byli pobieznymi tylko, ale zawsze, swiadkami mojego wypalania sie.
Wlacznie z dawnymi kolegami ze szkoly, ktorych zgodnie z porzadkiem rzeczy powinnam czarowac na jakims klasowym spotkaniu za kilka lat, jakie to mam idealne zycie.
Wreszcie nawet dalsza rodzina i przyjaciolmi, ktorzy przez caly ten czas, na odleglosc mysleli, ze wszystko jest w porzadku.
Ale poprawia sie, i moj blog jest kolejnym krokiem w strone odzyskania harmonii.
Zapraszam Was na te podroz razem ze mna!

Duzo slyszalam przez ostatni rok o tym, ze ludzie najbardziej spelnieni w zyciu, to ci, ktorzy maja odwage przyznac sie do swojej bezbronnosci, zaryzykowac okazanie jej innym.
Tak OTO JESTEM, dzielac sie SERCEM i swoimi slabosciami. Odwaga to przeciez zadne wykroczenie!


Serca i Odwagi Wszystkim!

P.S Bardzo chcialabym uslyszec jakis malenki chociaz odzew, czy te tlumaczenia na polski sa dla Kogos przydatne. Z wiadomych wzgledow ilosc energii jaka mam w zanadrzu w tej chwili jest ograniczona, a chcialabym ja wykorzystac jak najlepiej :) K

Av Kasia - 24 april 2014 16:10

To start writing a blog and putting myself out there was scary.

Today I have crossed that limit and made it even scarier. ZebraZone is now official on Facebook and I sent personal invitations to people above 18 on my Friend List on Facebook to Like what I am doing.

That includes my colleagues who more or less whitnessed my collapse but do not know the INSIGHTS.

That also includes my school friends from LONG before who I should traditionally meet on some reunion in few years and PRETEND that my life is JUST PERFECT.

That also incluses some of my more distant Family and Family friends who maybe thought that ALL was RIGHT the whole time.


But it is getting All Right again and this blog brings me one step closer to that.

Welcome in!

I have learned now that the most COMPLETE people are those who DARE to be VULNERABLE.

So here I am, posting a HEART and sharing Love. It is not forbidden! 


Love and Daring to All.

Av Kasia - 24 april 2014 13:51

You don't have to BE vegetarian in order to CHOOSE vegetarian food once in a while.
Have a look on a small lunch inspiration.
Buckwheat/bovete/gryczany crepe with vegetable filling and creme fraiche and jalapenos.
Ready in 10 minutes!

Av Kasia - 24 april 2014 09:55

Accidently even V for VANITY (proznosc!) ;)

At the age of (almost!) 35 I bought my first VOGUE (UK) magazine.


Payed 99 SEK, which is equivalent of 10 euro or 42 PLN. Which I think is A LOT!

I went for it anyway. No surprise. It was because of the Nigella interview.

But there were two surprising thing indeed about it!

The weight. It was a nice, fat peace to hold:


And the amount of commercials and adds!

I tried to tear them all out. It made like 1/3 of the magazine:


And there are still about 30 commercial pages left. But I let them be bcs there was ACTUAL TEXT on the other side of them! ;)

After all it was an amusing reading, if I disregard all the OVER-STYLED and UNDERNOURISHED females which costed me money and are now resting in my garbage!

Nigella too. So beautiful, natural and curvy but PACKED in those overprised dresses. And why?

As a rule I do not do vanity. But I decided to post this anyway, because I thought it was interesting and I was genuinly surprised.

Lastly I would like to point out that I now DO have new fassion dreams straight from the V magasine:


Those shoes are to die for!!! And the dress could be one to die IN.

But not quite yet.... Let's enjoy LIVE and VOGUE first.

Love and Fashion Dreams to All.


Embracing the NOW, Zebra-style.


Ask Kasia

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